
Meanwhile at Fomp! Fortress …

Nov 17, 2022 | 2 minutes read
Meanwhile at Fomp! Fortress ...

“Thunder sound effect”

Ha ha ha ha ha ….

I have done it! I’m a genius!


Yeah, those are IKEA bowls used for the cup hilt!


“Thunder sound effect again, throw in some horses neighing for a Young Frankenstein reference too for good measure”

Look at those curves though. Or, I suppose that should be singular curve, if you don’t count the quillon as well that is.

The good news (everybody) is that my worries about making curved Fomp! swords are no more. On the contrary, I’m very happy with how easy the curved inner pipes can still slide and retract. This is very promising, and to repeat myself since the last blog post, exciting!

The biggest obstacle I have currently is that my 3D printer is acting up and needs some maintenance, since the other exciting development is that I have a a good start on how I’m gonna both shape the padding on the blades and how to make manufacturing of that part easy.

*Finally there's some Fomp! in Fomp!

Finally there’s some Fomp! in Fomp! There’s still some work with creating the fabric covering and trying out different materials for that, but I’m happy that many design problems have been solved.

There’s not much to say and elaborate on, but I thought two things just working out is cause for both a small celebration and a blog post. I’ll make some adjustments to the grip for better comfort after having been able to try it out in reality, and then it’s on to casting it in rubber.

Speaking of rubber …

The no-gauntlet fans out there will be glad to hear I realized I actually have one of the proposed materials for testing durability on:

*Finally there's some Fomp! in Fomp!

Well, this isn’t a no-gauntlet, it’s a test of a rapier grip I did. It’s filled and quite stiff polyurethane, and you might notice that it looks undamaged. That is, it looks undamaged after me going hard on it with my sword, really trying to mess it up. I don’t know yet how thick I would need to make it or if it would be too heavy like this, but I’ll for sure make some calculations with density and make a prototype (when I’ve wrapped up the current beta sword batch) and try it out.

Some of you readers might not be aware about the no-gauntlet other than me mentioning it in the last blog post. I’m a bit careful currently releasing details on this, but rest assured that will change when I have a proper prototype of it!

That’s all evil science from me today, until next time!